Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Photo Of The Day

Slow day here at Hog Central so I’ll post this photo & probably everyone will have a story to tell here. But don’t change your ways keep it to yourself you’re only in your mid fifties you’ve got plenty of time to tell your story YEAH RIGHT! This is a great ariel view of the Naples Shopping Plaza (including Rexall Drugs with the little lunch counter/coffee shop that the Land family ran) not so much the plaza but the view to the west is simply incredible! You can see the corner of the Blue Caribbean Driving Range & the high school woods (more on those later). Looks like this blog created a phrase I typed in Candyass Parade into Google & this blog was the 1st thing that came up. Lets see there’s Bill Gates, Steve Jobs both pioneers of the internet & then there’s Blog Hog a legend in his own mind…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great picture! Rexall Drugstore is where my father would take us after church for an ice cream and we just happened to be there when Oswald was shot, what a panic!
I remember the woods in in back of NSH, across Goodlette, it seems there was an old shack there that was reputed to be haunted. Heck, I believed it! I also remember the woods where the stupid mall sits now. That was my hangout when I lived in the Lake Park area. There was a long, deep cement hole in the ground and someone told me that was some sort of cow walk, however, I don't really know any cows that walked in it, nor do I know why they would!
Me and my friends spent alot of time in the woods all over Naples, you would be hard pressed to find any of that green space now. Most of those places where camp outs, swamp buggy rides, exploration and pot smokin' are all covered up with condos and houses and developments with fancy mediterranean names. Oh woe!
These pictures and comments give me an opportunity to remember and talk and laugh about the good old days. I've come to realize most everyone I know really couldn't give a darn about Naples history or the way it was, or how wonderful it was to grow up here.
Most of the people that used to run this show have moved on, grown old and retired or died. I fear when Don Hunter steps down, that's it folks! The New Yorkers, Michiganers and the Canadians will have it just the way they want it. Oh well, I guess we all came from somewhere.
Really, this is not a bitter comment, just reminiscing. I think everything seems better in retrospect. Maybe it's just because we were younger!
Anyway, again, thanks for the photos, comments and memories! Keep 'em comin' hog!!
Peace and grace to all!