Saturday, March 29, 2008

Free, and Worth Every Penny!!!


The old saying is that any fool can write a book, but it takes a genius to sell one.

Well, I wrote a book and have had no luck in finding a literary agent, so, since it is a murder mystery set in the Naples of the 1960s, I thought that some of you might enjoy reading it.

If you want to do such a foolish thing, I will either email the thing to you as a PDF or Word doc, or link a couple of chapters a week on this blog so you can download it.

I reserve all rights, blah blah blah. And, of course, if you are a literary agent, come to Papa!!!

Just email me or post a comment if you have any interest. It is what is called a cozy, which means that it contains no cussing, sex, or overt violence. Think of The Cat Who series meets Midnight at the Garden of Good and Evil, and that is basically what it is, but set in the Olde Naples that we know and love.

If you recognize yourself in the book, and some folks will, remember: it is just a book.



Download The Book


Anonymous said...

Boy, Jim. AS IF anyone would want to read anything that YOU would write. Can't you give your ego a rest?!?!?!

Oh, wait a second. I forgot-- I am you.

Nevermind the above. I just can't WAIT to read your book. I am sure it is just wonderful and witty and a true representation of 1960s Naples, Florida.


Anonymous said...

I would love to read it. Can I, dare I say, buy a copy? Give us a little sample. I'll bet it's great.
See ya, Tara (Saad)Linn
PS Had to post this comment as anonymous because I can't figure out why my password doesn't work. Freakin techno-moron!

Jim Page said...

Hey, Tara--

The book only exists as a Word file or PDF file. That picture on the blog was just something I did in Photoshop using a cover design my son created. He used a photo by Danny Wall and an old highway sign that I found on the Web, and we came up with that cover approach. So there is nothing to buy!

If you email me at the link in the blog, I will be happy to send you an electronic version of "Naples '66: Murder in Golden Gate," and would look forward to hearing how you liked it



Anonymous said...

gosh jim i hope im in the book!!!!!!!!!!!!
i still have the zippo lighter you made me in was engraved...priceless as far as im concerned. xoxo chrisse (missbhaven)
i need to read the book!

Jim Page said...

Hey, Chrisse--

Danny said that you and Sue wanted to read the book, so I emailed him a PDF the other day to pass on to you both.

You will probably realize that the female character in the book is a composite of you, Sue, and some other folks!

I remember that Zippo lighter I made for you! Isn't it odd how things stick in your mind. That darn thing didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but it was the best I could do.

Take care--


Enough Already!