Sunday, March 30, 2008

Priscilla Queen Of The Swamps

Probably my favorite Swamp Buggy Queen but I don't remember any of the others. This year 2008 a woman won the Swamp Buggy Race & tossed another woman into the sippi hole. That seemed odd not in a anti-woman sense but it used to be such a macho, gun totting, drag that guy with no beard or badge off the sidewalk & muscle him into that cage. The whole thing has been sissified the parade goes down 41 which is odd it really seems to have lost that VIBE I talk about. Plus the fact that I really think I’ve seen enough cement & septic tank pumping trucks to last a lifetime. You know hose off the peanuts & corn & Armor all the tires POOF! Instant Float, we’re not talkin' Rose Parade here! When it was on 5thAve it had a community feel to it, back then it really was an event. But back then ANYTHING in Naples was an event like Grants opening & your parents would go we’ll come back tomorrow & finish off that section of the store I need sit down for a while & have a drink. Or you’re kidding me, a McDonalds without driving to Fo’ Myay (I know its misspelled I have Cuban friends that pronounce that way & I tend to like it). I took my dog to the parade this year & sat across from Pippin’s and watched the parade Jess loved it & I thought about Chris’ Gourmet Castle.


Anonymous said...

And to think someone wanted to be a Swamp Buggy Queen? '74 :-)

Laurel'71 said...

I really wanted to be The Swamp Buggy Queen in 1970. Imagine that! Now, when ever I speak fondly of those days, someone always chimes in with a "whut's that"? and I'm forced to try to explain Swamp Buggies to people who really have no idea. We never knew what a unique universe we grew up in until we left...

Anonymous said...

I,m not sure if anyone reading this knew Pris in the 70's, but if you didn't....... probably the prettiest girl to ever walk down a Naples street, for sure she was queen material.

Anonymous said...

Chris' Castle, whoaaah, I used to bike up there to get free food after telling Chris the same story about my parents having " other people " over and I was told to go play at the city dock or something.
Thanks for those burgers and fries Chris' wherever you are ....

Enough Already!