Monday, March 17, 2008

Internet "PLEA" to The Jesters!

This is all we've got a ripped up yellowed & faded piece of paper! There's more of a legacy than that COME ON! You guys RAWKED, as James Brown would sing PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEASE! No lie here I actually hung on to their Swamp Buggy Parade float on my bicycle. While all these geezer's with beards were yanking family types off the sidewalks & throwing them in this jail on wheels cause they didn't have a badge or beard. Talk about needing a school councilor? The Jesters were firing up on all 8's. I couldn't believe Naples had it's own Dave Clark Five ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING!


JohnKlingler said...

I remember listening to The Jesters practicing at the Bowes' house when i was a kid. That was one of those events that got into guitar and have never let go. I have a pic of the first time "The Original Artists Band" (thanks, Danny, for that name) fist got our name in lights at the Open Hearth. What a great place, standing on the same stage as Jerry Lee.

John Klingler

Unknown said...

I actually recorded with the Jesters - although it was really just the Wally Fredrickson project by then. His dad had converted the garage into a recording studio. Most of the rest of the musicians were from BJ&co - John Fredrickson, Terry bass, etc....

I don't think the songs were ever released but I do have a copy of the Jester's single "leave me alone" - I think it was their only song to be published.

Marty Jones
class of '70

Enough Already!