Monday, March 17, 2008

Store #76 Where Shopping Is A Pleasure & Still Is…….

Man, what can I say is it a local institution or what? Thank GOD they did away with them damn 1 cent S&H Stamps! I can still taste the glue on ‘em & those cheesy paper stamp books that went with them. How did it go 1 page you could do 50 1 cent stamps or if you had 5 10 cents stamps you could trump them, BUT the ultimate was a 50 cent stamp 1 per page. If you ever see longtime locals the original Publix is where you’ll find them. It still has the original green & white terrazzo floor & you can see how small it used to be. And I believe everybody was a bagboy there at one time or another. Larry Haymaker, Jim Page, Butch Rush, Jim Clary & Mark Finger to name a few. A GOOD local laugh was the baseball games at Cambier Park the announcer would go. “Barley is up to bat & FINGER IS IN THE HOLE”! It had the whole town laughing well maybe just a quarter of the town (it was summertime).

PS: Mr. Deville (the 1st store manager) wherever you are, thanks for all you did & all the memories.

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